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Room Edit Pitch Decks

Creating a Design System

Making pitch decks was a task I did throughout the internship I did for Room Edit. Although each done in a short period of time, my time at Room Edit was not busy with partnerships we wanted to make. The important contribution I made that warrants a mention is the revised templates I made in collaboration with my fellow interns, Caroline Farber and Adina Saban, while advised by our director LuAnne Howard. We all had different roles in the process and I got to enjoy a well rounded team. I was the only graphic designer on the team and I got to experience the responsibility of having the designer voice. Just like how the other team members had their skillsets and knowledge I had mine. Despite coming from different backgrounds, we listened and communicated very well which made each experience with collaboration a joy to partake in. Speaking specifically about the decks, I worked off an Illustrator template from Room Edit's outsourced digital agency which was a struggle to work with. Illustrator was not the right application for this type of project and overall, it was inconsistent and unpolished which bothers me a lot. I took the opportunity to recreate and clean up the entire deck on InDesign while setting up tools that would help make creating decks derivative of this one easier. This prompted an expansion of my efforts to create further organization and save time by creating multiple templates based on the type of partnership. In addition, I created a guide for deck design which informs the way to use the InDesign tools and keep consistent quality.

Included here is one pdf sample from the set. If you would like to see more template variations, please contact me at and I'll make arrangements to get permission and share.

Sample PDF

Design Manual

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